Скачать и слушать песню Sue Avenue, Marta Del Grandi - Homeless в mp3 бесплатно.

Текст песни

She wakes up early every morning, Just to do her hair now, Because she cares yeah. Her day wouldn't be right, without her makeup, She's never out of makeup. She's just like you and me, But she's homesless, she's homeless. She stands there singing for money... La-da-de She wakes up early every morning, Just to do her hair now, Because she cares yeah. Her day have wouldn't be right She wakes up early every morning, Just to do her hair now, Because she cares yeah. Her day wouldn't be right, without her makeup, She's never out of makeup. She's just like you and me, But she's homeless, she's homeless. She stands there singing for money... La-da-dee-da-do-die You try hard not to care about the homeless, Because you got two homeless. You barely make enough for you well if she's all eyes, should you apologize. Better smile as you please and she stands there singing for money... La-da-dee-da-do-die She wakes up early every morning, Just to do her hair now, Because she cares yeah. Her day wouldn't be right...


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